What is Psychology?
Interested in human and animal behavior and cognitive processes has a history of 125 years of the science of psychology. This is in spite of her young age, psychology, biology, sociology dating back to the very wide-ranging field.
human and animal behavior, and the behavior associated with
psychological, social and biological processes, viewing area. As a profession, psychology, psychology is the use of knowledge to solve human problems. Sub-fields
of psychology, the use of this information, depending on the good use
of language, research, statistical analysis and requires special skills
and abilities, such as empathy.Psychologists What does it do? Psychologists work on two important relationships: first, the brain and behavior in the environment and the behavior of the latter relationship. Psychologists and as a researcher observation, experiment, and analyze scientific methods have to be creative to apply scientific findings as well as to watch. Psychologists have developed theories atthe doing research and application of new knowledge in the field of research resulting from the use of employees on offer. In addition, in order to meet the changing needs of individuals and societies develop new approaches. Where Psychologists work? Independently of the others, while some jobs Psychologists doctors, lawyers, school personnel, computer experts, engineers, police officers, soldiers, and administrators in all aspects of society and contribute to the work as a team. Therefore, psychologists, laboratories, hospitals, courthouses, schools, universities, public health centers, mass media, prisons, and many other you can see in the workplace. For example, an administrator or a stress programs to improve performance athletes work together to defeat. Judicial decisions and recommendations provide the necessary information for the lawyers. School reform, educators, psychiatrists, and social çalışmacılarla psychiatric clinic, pediatrics, oncology, and neurology clinics, as well as specialist doctors work together. Immediately after the bombing of a disaster such as a plane crash or the resulting shock can help accident victims in the process. With the number of employees working in the fields of law and public health to analyze the causes of such events and try to find ways to prevent recurrence. What Areas of psychology? Number of areas of study in psychology as well as the effectiveness and increasing day by day. According to a prediction of psychology in the United States until 2005, and a few will be the fastest growing third area in 10 years, this development will continue. Given that the majority of problems related to human behavior in society, psychology would not be surprising to see that a large number of the workspace. For example, drug abuse, difficulties in personal relationships, violence in the streets and at home, as well as individual behavior is harmful to their health and the environment and social issues, issues that interest among psychologists. Psychologists, scientific methods of collecting information, analyzing information, for example through the development of prevention and intervention strategies contribute to the solution of problems. For example, psychologists, rapidly rising number of elderly people homes and businesses in our world to make it more appropriate for this group, and emphasizes research. The revolution in the field of electronics, user-friendly technology and education require engineers and psychologists work together on this issue. Nowadays, an increasing number of women working in the family meet the requirements of the employer in applying for a permanent structure, and psychologists can help employers about the changes needed. Great social changes in countries with different cultures and social change that has the effects on the individual and cultural differences in understanding the important knowledge and skills to put forward to be used. In addition, the progress in research on learning and memory issues with the physical and mental health of the science of psychology içiçeliği makes it more interesting than ever before. For example, the process of remembering is not a passive, disjointed individuals belleklerindeki information of a past event, combining their own interpretations and therefore actively reconstructed from the evidence of witnesses is not correct to rely fully understood. Physical and mental health is the best example of intermingling, over-competitive, impatient, agitated, trying to do more than one job at the same time the negative beliefs and attitudes towards other people and the "A-type" personality feature, is the most important predictors of sudden heart attacks. Psychology as a Profession Most of the work of psychologists lovers, because working with primary care physicians to use a computer so exciting to be working in a wide range. Furthermore, individuals in their daily lives ups and downs başedebilmelerine psychologists to help them learn and to know adamışlardır.Psikolojiyi an important advantage for many other professions. For example, most employers psychology courses imparted information gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating skills very much fond of statistics and experimental design. Sub-disciplines of psychology, Some Include: Experimental Psychology (Experimental psychologist): The basic behavioral processes and teaching psychologists investigating the changes. One of the most important sub-branches of experimental psychology, information processing, our memory storage, the warehouse retrieval and application of problem-solving situations, such as information processing, cognitive psychology works. Learning, sensation, perception, performance, motivation, memory, language, thinking, communication and problem-solving, eating, reading, interested in investigating the physiological processes underlying behaviors such as physiological psychology is a sub-domain. Experimental psychologists, animal behavior and human behavior, examine the associate. Experimental psychologists, social psychologists, such as the academic and research institutes often work. Clinical Psychology (Clinical Psychologist): individuals with mental, behavioral and emotional disorders to evaluate and treat. Clinical psychologists are interested in issues related to developmental periods of short-term developmental crises (such as adolescent rebellion and fall in middle-aged self-worth), phobias, depression or more severe problems such as schizophrenia varies from treatment. Many also engaged in research as well as clinical psychologists. Her research interests include the role of a successful clinical psychologist's characteristics and the factors that determine the treatment effectiveness and successful aging or a variety of factors that are associated with behavioral problems, such as determining the causes of schizophrenia, phobias or issues include how to develop. In addition, in order to assess the individual test or scale the application and interpretation of individual or group therapy for the treatment of major tasks of making a clinical psychologist. Bachelor's or master's degree açamasalar their own practice of clinical psychologists, even if the work under the supervision of a doctor trained in another clinical psychologist. Industrial / Organizational Psychology (Industrial psychology): to improve the business environment in order to increase production and apply psychological principles to business life. Most of these psychologists serve as expert human resources. Planning, quality management, organization and training of personnel in areas such as organizational change will help the various organizations. Of interests, organizational structure, business productivity, job satisfaction, consumer behavior, are issues such as staff selection and development of staff. Industrial psychologists responsibilities do the research, the research results are used to make and also to act as a problem solver. Industrial / organizational psychologists, commerce, industry, public institutions and universities can work and consulting firms. School Psychology (school psychologist): School psychologists work private or public schools, students do consulting and evaluation. Mental health and environmental conditions necessary for learning are concerned with editing. Or disrupts the classroom environment is concerned with children in need of special education programs, develops and evaluates give training to teachers on classroom management. Families and school staff advise the psychological and educational issues. School psychologists, kindergartens, hospitals and mental health clinics can work. Forensic Psychology (Forensic psychologist): Legal issues and apply the principles of psychology to the problems arising from the relationship established between law and psychology is a field. Forensic psychologists have received some training in both psychology and the law. Courts often their expertise is needed. For example, the behavior of convicted persons held in custody or subjected to emotional stress and assess whether or not, and which parent the child should take custody of the defendant's mental capacity or is it enough to defend in court the judge problematic situations such help. Those with bachelor's or master's degree, reformatories, prisons and forensic institutions, law enforcement units work. Those who received his Ph.D. in psychology and law faculties, departments, research organizations and consultancy firms or law enforcement related to public health departments, courts and reformatories are working. Traffic Psychology (Traffic psychology): Traffic psychology, the application of psychological principles to the field of traffic and road safety. Turkey, which is a new field of activity areas where traffic psychology, psycho-evaluation of the capabilities of the driver, driving styles and risk-taking behavior in traffic, driver training and rehabilitation, ergonomics, traffic safety awareness, traffic laws and practitioners engaged in consulting, traffic-related behavior, attitude, skills and measuring tools, skills development, research and universities on these issues can be listed as courses, traffic psychology. Not yet in the field of traffic psychology graduate programs in the University. However, the Turkish Psychological Association, held in response to the need for continuing education in programs is given. Educational Psychology (Educational psychology): Educational psychologists concentrate on the realization of how people learned and effective learning. The essential tool for the education of people of all ages, develop materials and methods. Evaluates the organization and implementation of training programs for skills and help. In addition, high technical skills, teaching, assessment and regulation of the educational psychologist yararlanılmaktadır.Yetenek, motive, take into account several factors, such as classroom environment. Educational psychologists develop new guidelines to be used in some of the computer programs, give training to teachers and teachers work efficiency, performance, and satisfaction of the factors affecting the development of çalışırlar.Doktora trained psychologists in educational settings and a variety of fields of study usually taught in counseling. Developmental Psychology (Developmental Psychologist): Developmental psychologists from birth to death before the work on extending the life cycle stages of human development. Developmental psychologists age-related behavioral changes, definition, description and measurement are concerned. Universal qualities in development, working on cultural and individual differences. PhD-level developmental psychologists, such as membership of reserch and training activities can make. Bachelor's and master graduates kindergartens and day care centers, pre-school education in other institutions, hospitals and clinics, and other developmental psychologist çalışabilirler.Huzurevleri the orientation of the targets set in the centers elderly, nursing homes, orphanages, and evaluation of programs implemented in adolescents and young people carry out activities of type. Neuropsychology and Psychobiology (neuropsychologist): Biological systems and examine the relationship between the mind and behavior of the function. Biochemical mechanisms of the brain, the brain structures, functions, investigate the effect of chemical and physical changes in behavior and emotions. Neuropsychologist, is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the central nervous system and behavior disorder diagnosis and works for the rehabilitation of the patient. Clinical neuropsychologists, neurology, pediatrics, neurosurgery, psychiatry clinics take part. Academic staff trained in this area, undertakes training of medical doctors with clinical psychologist and neuropsychologist rear. Neuropsychological assessment of undergraduate or graduate degree who work as research assistant or research laboratories. Psychometrics (psychometrist): the acquisition and application of psychological knowledge on techniques and methods to be used during the work. Intelligence, personality, abilities, and develop tests in other areas. These tests, clinical, counseling, work-life, industry, and is used in areas such as school. Psychometrist, research design, data analysis and interpretation of data are active in the fields. Psychologists working in this field, mathematics, statistics, technology, and been equipped with knowledge of computer programs. Master's degree ones are usually in industry, research centers and test development work in the field. Health psychology (health psychology): Health psychologists, disease prevention and health researchers and practitioners in order to maintain the work. Health and disease, the effects of biological, psychological and social factors are concerned. How başedebildikleri people with the disease, why some people izlemedikleri medical advice, the pain be controlled, and how to most effectively deal with how to change bad habits. For example, smoking cessation, weight loss, stress, taking control programs and health campaigns on issues such as arranged. Emotional and physical health of the patient-physician relationship geliştirirler.Ayrıca healing health strategies and areas of interest in the issues of health personnel. Health organizations, public sector, security services or police work in hospitals and medical centers. Created in this area yet there is no master's or doctoral program. In some parts of Psychology at the Turkish Psychological Association Health Psychology courses and trying to resolve the lack of in-service training courses. Generally, psychologists, clinical psychology or social psychology are directed to this area after the specialization. Social Psychology (social psychologist): Social psychologists and social circles of people how to enter how they interact with each other, take care of etkilendikleriyle. Individuals, groups, and group behavior, attitudes, prejudices, and examine their formation and change. Friendship, bilateral relations, the charm and conduct research on issues such as aggression. Therefore, doctoral degree is usually required in social psychology and social psychologists often work in academic environments. However, in recent years, advertising companies, hospitals, educational institutions, architectural and engineering firms and as a consultant to a variety of researchers working in public areas. Sport Psychology (Sports Psychologist): Sports psychology, a sub-area includes the application of psychological principles to sport environment. Sports psychologists and practitioners as well as academics çalışırlar.Spor psychologists, practitioners, and improve the performance of the team try to create a positive atmosphere in the team. With a sense of anxiety before and after the failure of a contest başedilebileceği on how to help athletes, plus the motivation of athletes and will help to concentrate the objectives of the competition. Researcher sports psychologists investigate the factors that influence the behavior and performance in sport. In our country, there is not yet a real sport psychology with training in this field the need for a unit that is increasing day by day.
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