8 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

Loneliness is not the cause of misery Alone

Loneliness is not the cause of misery Alone

Yalnızlık Tek Başına Mutsuzluğun Nedeni Değil

The psychoanalyst Anthony Storr, lonely people that the world girrerek common cause of unhappiness, loneliness Contrary to popular belief, even on a per-success also says that human being.

The psychoanalyst Anthony Storr'un "One Per" wrote in his book, happiness is the only key to success in personal relationships, emphasizing that undermines the thesis nitelikte.Yalnızlığın Storr'a the supposed cause of unhappiness, according to lonely people are more successful.

Anthony Storr's book, such as solitary confinement imposed in cases of survival, to maintain the ideals of imagination, effort and time to get the feel of a solitude began embracing said.

Storr's book, produced many great artists staying alone, some of the poets and writers of abuse later in childhood creativity per year-old had found peace, saints, prophets, under trees, or in caves in the mountains retreated into seclusion, some have been kicked in the cells, poetry reading political reasons, imaginary walks come out, and thus got rid of insanity explains.


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