8 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

People Searching the Internet Solitude Solution

People Searching the Internet Solitude Solution

İnsanlar Yalnızlığın Çözümünü İnternette Arıyor

Lack of livelihood, even in difficult conditions of life yalnızlaşanlar, which is an integral part of life on the Internet can call the remedy

Lack of livelihood, even in difficult conditions of life yalnızlaşanlar, remedy, which is an integral part of life, can call on the internet.
Change of Psychology and Counselling Psychologist Bu Burn Center Knudsen, as to whether the Internet spoke to cure loneliness, worry.
The world that has made a large village 'internet' people closer than it actually is able to convict a great loneliness. More added every day a new one next to the old ones, friends, lovers and co-member of the feelings of men and women in finding thousands of sites on the internet is in our houses. Psychologist Bu Burn Knudsen, found on the internet today, modern people cure loneliness, said: "Internet people closer than it actually is able to convict a great loneliness. Yalnızlığınıza more yalnızlaşmayın while looking for solutions," he said.
Knudsen, "communication problem Asosyalleşen and rapid flow of life lost in living or many individuals, meet, and even marry my dear hope to visit these sites. Single, widowed, divorced, married, or living separately met many women and men degenerate these sites in bilateral relations has been mirrors. example, married but estranged from different rooms in their house a couple of members from each visitor to the size of these sites shows. sometimes can not provide satisfaction enough for sexual life by adding color to his wife, whom he has not seen much interest in entering these sites for. Problems to solve Instead of trying to replace the old one with a new one to fill. the other hand, storage of identity or identities we want to assume these sites are a good way of being and created profiles. ourselves, this is the evidence of alienation. Karşımızdakinin face söyleyemeyeceklerimizi easily be able to freely express, shortfalls can easily and conveniently store The advantages of a virtual entity to assume, even if a perfect show in need. university graduates, individuals with high socio-economic status of these sites very often preferred, usually close to the environment with the news happens. fact, embarrassed by this situation, but there is a gap at the intersection of business and private life and The easiest way to fill the show we watch it without missing the touch keys on the keyboard.
No communication, social relationships, and even evliliklerdeki accompany the television and then the computer and the internet has managed to conquer our world and on the other hand feeling
Europeanization is not in the name of civilization or of a part of the sub-culture goes hand in hand more, "he said.
The relationship of one of the negative aspects of making friends through the Internet easily, without effort is seen as indicating that consume Knudsen, "because a lot of choices and very easy to reach. Someone is at least saying one to forget what it is in fact the real quest for a while, then uzaklaşabiliyoruz the saturation point. Easily elusive and lies and very often in the real world frustrations and remember what happened many times over as a result of this friendship sites, and severe emotional injuries can occur. Consequently, in an attempt to have the technology to its service administration emotional and social life of human beings by giving him unconditionally and unreservedly, even a dangerous adventure leaving himself in the lap of mental problems, "he said.

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